How to Not Get Banned as a Chaturbate Broadcaster

Last Updated March 05, 2025

Chaturbate is quickly becoming one of the most popular webcam sites to become a model on. Yet, as a freemium cam site, Chaturbate, and in fact, nearly all sites similar to Chaturbate, can be quick to ban both new and experienced webcam models alike. If you're just starting out on your webcam career, these are the rules you will need to follow to avoid the ban hammer. Off the bat, we recommend not actually broadcasting until your account has been verified by Chaturbate.

New models that have yet to verify themselves are always listed as Exhibitionist. Exhibitionist cams are often banned, as troll users report them for being underage.


These are the basic rules they list:

  1. Everyone in the broadcast has to be over 18 - No minors are allowed to be seen. If a child is seen, your account will immediately be banned, and you will be reported to NCMEC and other relevant authorities.
  2. No bestiality - You can have your pets on camera, but you can't engage with them sexually or in a provocative manner. You can't use sex toys that look like animal parts either. Bad Dragon dildos are okay, because dragons aren't real.
  3. No drugs/alcohol on camera - It doesn't matter if you are smoking medical or recreational marijuana, you aren't allowed to spark a joint on while on cam. Prescription drugs and alcohol are also not permitted. You aren't allowed to be intoxicated either.
  4. No menstruation, vomit, feces, or urine - No dirty shows are allowed, not in public and not in private shows. If a user asks for these things, you can tell them Chaturbate's Terms & Conditions don't allow it.
  5. Don't mention competing websites - Don't divert users to other sites you also cam on. Don't talk about other sites, and don't have their props visible. If you also happen to own a CamSoda T-shirt, don't wear it while on Chaturbate.

If you dig into the Terms & Conditions, you will find that there are more rules:

  1. Don't participate in offensive behavior and harassment - Don't go into other broadcasters' rooms to incite fights and don't tell your users to go start fights in other broadcasters' rooms.
  2. No racist, obscene, or offensive language/shows - Don't engage or encourage racist behavior and hate speech to or from users. Don't wear religious clothing, which might offend users, for example burkas are not permitted.
  3. No real uniforms - Cosplaying is permitted, but you are not allowed to perform in a real uniform that represents an organization. You can dress up like a cop, but not in a real cop's uniform.
  4. Don't break copyright/trademark laws - Avoid doing things that would get you a cease and desist letter from a legitimate company. Don't call yourself DisneyPrincess69, or Disney might come after you.
  5. Don't solicit funds or advertise for other services - Don't use Chaturbate to advertise for your real life business. Don't organize meet ups for cash and don't outright beg for tips.
  6. Your account is for you only -  You can't transfer your account or let others use it. You can sign up as a couple and broadcast even if one partner is away, but you can't just let random people use your account.
  7. Don't log into other people's accounts - In the same way that you can't let people log into your account, you can't log into other people's accounts.
  8. Don't use Chaturbate for spam purposes - Don't spam your real life business, competitor sites, or even the chat room that you are operating on the site itself.
  9. No sleeping on camera - You are not permitted to sleep or even pretend to be asleep while on camera. If you think you are going to fall asleep, you should just take the rest of the day off.
  10. Overly large sex toys/animal shaped sex toys - You are not permitted to use anything that wasn't specifically designed to be a dildo. You can't use fruits or vegetables. You aren't allowed to use toys that are so big they could hurt you either.
  11. Incest/incest play - Don't engage in any incest or incest roleplaying. You can do couple shows where you are seducing your sister's husband, but you can't do shows where you are seducing your stepbrother.
  12. No Bukkake and Goatse scenes - If you don't know what Bukkake and Goatse are, you probably aren't going to perform them. Bukkake is taking facials from a large group of men. We do not recommend Googling Goatse.
  13. Illegal/unsafe activities - No rape roleplay, no violence, blood, torture, pain, erotic asphyxiation, or any other type of show that might cause you physical or emotional harm.
  14. No broadcasting in public or pretending to be in public - Chaturbate got sued after many cam girls started broadcasting out of their university libraries. Public displays are now completely banned.
  15. Outdoor broadcasts - Outdoor shows are only permitted with the property owner's consent and from where the neighbors can't see. You can't give your neighborhood a free show.
  16. No organizing prostitution/escort services - Chaturbate does not want to be associated with prostitution in any shape or form. Don't do it through their site. If you want to meet your fans, they recommend doing it at conventions.
  17. Don't try and arrange offline payments - Don't try and convince users to wire money directly to you. If you want to do things like Skype shows, you will need to get tipped for it in Chaturbate tokens, before switching to Skype.
  18. You aren't allowed to criticize Chaturbate - Chaturbate doesn't permit models to make written or verbal defaming or disparaging remarks against Chaturbate or the services it offers. You can't encourage users to make those kinds of remarks either.

Unwritten rules:

  1. Don't try to cheat the system - Don't get involved in scams and frauds. If you promise a show, you must deliver. If you believe a user is involved in credit card fraud, ban him from your room and report him to customer support.
  2. Don't strip till you're verified - Until you have verified you are over 18, showing any nudity can get you banned. We really recommend not streaming until you have been verified.
  3. Try and gain as many followers as you can - Your New status will boost you at first, but after that your rankings are determined by followers, number of viewers in the room, and tips. Followers are the easiest thing to control on a daily basis.


As you can see, Chaturbate has a whole lot of rules. They are quite strict about most of these rules, but you will find that some are not overly enforced. At the end of the day, Chaturbate is quite easy to work on, as long as you follow a few key principles. Basically, don't try to fuck the system, don't spam/harass, don't do things which can be considered as offensive, and don't be intoxicated on cam.

Good luck!


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What do you think about Chaturbate's Rules For Models?


Chaturbate's Rules For Models visitors reviews

  • Generaldickhead (who loves to see girls pee)

    Why is peeing not allowed? Peeing seems to me like a very innocent normal bodily fuction, it might be a bit raunchy but that is just what some people are in to, including me. Also pooping and farting should be allowed i think, if the model is open for it. Why would you ban certain fetishes, and others not? This doesn;t make sense to me. Especially that you can get banned for even mentioning it. i have spoken to many models that would do that for a certain amount and I for example am sometimes in a mood for nasty things. Please consider my request as I feel it is sort of discriminatory for certain kinks/fetishes!

  • Roger

    another unwritten rule not listed on terms and conditions is the use of full hand or fisting. however i've seen models getting banned because of it.

  • marty

    Based on my chat room interactions over the past month, I am worried my broadcasts are being recorded by models from Colombia. Any suggestions?

  • loveveryhairyfemales

    I was banned by Rose__Carter__ never said anything bad in chat room, she kicked out banned me for good...I am good guy, not rude or ugly to the models..she banned me for no reason..

    • admin

      We are sorry to hear that. But it does happen. The performers have at their discretion the ability to ban a viewer. And you do not have to be 'rude' to get banned. Some models will even ban passive viewers that are in the room, but take no action.

  • Don Eb

    I haven't found anywhere to put this, other than here. Chaturbate.............does not have a customer service. Period. I have been on Chaturbate for two fucking years. I have had zero response. E-mail, no, they say they will get back to...................,......never. Two fucking years! Every phone number listed is bogus, completely. The number that even answers tells me " someone will be with you shortly". Then your on hold for twenty or thirty minutes. Then.............they either abruptly hang up.........or tell you there is no one to speak with.... ....aaaaaand ........then hang up on you. Folks. Your customer service is rated, everywhere online, as one star. And I think if it could possibly would be in the negative numbers. You can't have a service without customer service. I love CB. I've spent over 20,000 dollars on this aaaaalittle under two years. I have ..................NEVER been treated sooooooo badly. CB is run with bots. On the one hand, CB, great. The other hand, anyone give a real damn about their users? No. It's give us money and in turn we will give you .............................nothing. Zero, nada. I fear that somtime soon CB will fail because of this. Someone respond. If not, you have..............lost a very good customer. I really don't know why CB tells people that they have a customer support..............when ther is none. Please prove me wrong. I haven't been able to buy tokens, or spend my money on CB for days. Can't get hold of.............ANYONE! Same as always. On way no how. The non existant customer service I give a rating of a negative, infinity. Yes ,that, gawd awful. Talk to me.

    • admin

      If you are direct and concise when submitting your issue to Chaturbate CS, and they have a solution for you, then they will offer a remedy. But if you ramble on, without identifying your issue, then you are likely to be ignored.

Show more comments
  • Miss_Paloma_Boombastica

    Chaturbate is the best platform in the world of adult webcam site but i doubt the professionalism of support team for handling issue and when they received false report from other they dont review it and banned u right away and never engage with u further.Like what happened to me,i uploaded authetic id and worked for 2 years until out of the blue they banned me is just becauze the id i submitted did not comply to tos.After 2 years they banned me for that reason so i doub their accuracy of identifying true and fake.This is too bad because they dont give u a chance to defend your rights. I wish they change that way of treating people,too bad chaturbate is the best but the support team is not that good.

    • admin

      From your story, it seems as if Chaturbate made a quick decision after identifying that your documents were not in order. When you have all your documents in order, you can try to appeal the decision. Or, simply take your talents to any of the other top webcam platforms.

  • James

    I don’t understand what is wrong with Pee, for either the girls or boys. Watersports as its called, has been around for years. I happen to like that as a person, and I spend lots to see it, and so do many others i know. But yet they can have anal sex or shoot cum on each other’s face which is a body fluid. You may be missing out on extra revenue from your models for not allowing this. Just curious, Thanks

  • atleast

    1)Hi Can i cum at food and then eating it for show i mean pizza hot dog etc and in my own mouth Second question can i perform in trans section like a transfemme with a beard not shaved

    • admin

      Chaturbate is the perfect cam site to do what you are asking to do. So please let us know when you are broadcasting, as we would not want to miss your show.

  • zoby

    are you aloud to use a video recording to cam?asking because i believe a model is just playing a video of herself that loops, because we where private msging and she was not able to use the keyboard

    • admin

      The cam rooms you are watching on Chaturbate are not a recording. The shows are all live. If a model is not actively using their keyboard, it can be for many reasons, including that they just do not want to at that moment.

  • mary

    is political discusian allowed

  • mary

    is political discusian allowed

    • admin

      If you want to use your time on Chaturbate talking politics, then go for it.

  • 0LexiCharms0

    I'm confused about the smoking part. Are we allowed to smoke cigarettes on camera?

    • admin

      On Chaturbate, you can smoke tabacco on camera, but the site does have a policy against smoking anything else.

  • fredyng

    I was banned for an unknown reason and cannot imagine why. I have been accused of smoking drugs but it is just my pipe with cigarette or pipe tobbaco in it. I wish someone would tell me what it is i'm accused of. I mind my own business i'm polite and don't bother any one. My user name is fredyng. I'm certain someone has made a mistake and bad judgment call. Please respond

    • admin

      Unfortunately, even if it only looks like you are engaging in elicit acts, then you can get banned.

  • asiancheck

    can my account being unbanned from some minor offense?

    • admin

  • Trinity_xx

    I have contacted support more then 3 times regarding a urgent enquiry request due to a studio not releasing my account to independent as I have consulted the studio and requested a release yet they tell me to register a new name. I want to keep my followers as well as my profile to avoid being banned could somebody please tell me how do we get supports attention as they do not respond when broadcasters contact

    • admin

      Trinity, you state that you have an issue with an studio you were working with. In this case, the relationship is between the agency and Chaturbate. This is likely the reason that Chaturbate is not replying to you. It sounds like you should let this one go, and start your own account, and this time, do not go through an agency.

  • gayasslicker1963

    can i get banned for using all upper case letters and was told I would be banned for making demands i did not feel that I made any i just commented nicely on something he was doing

    • admin

      Chat room hosts can ban you for whatever reason they want. It's their room.

  • Loki

    My question is.... Can you get banned if someone calls you son while you call them daddy. But you said daddy before he brought weird Son stuff into the convorsation???

    • admin

      Sounds like you enjoy roleplaying

  • MasterVulgar

    Hmmm looks like I am on shaky ground with one of those encouraging abusive language in my room which I actually find hilarious personally and I have seen many many models breaking so many of those rules there whilst some I think are very sensible I think some should between Model and client in PVT only. Also sick and tired of the doxxers, scammers and tip beggars I keep reporting and CB doing nothing about it. So I would love to hear peoples opinions

  • addy_coconut

    I was banned right in the middle of the show. I have 7400 tokens in my account. Will I be able to get paid? Even if I didn't transfer the tokens??

    • admin

      I'd suggest you speak to Chaturbate customer support and ask them, because it varies according to the severity of the ban

  • bluemarks222

    I don't know why I was banned. If I did something wrong , I'm sorry.Please tell me how to make it right.Thanks for your help.

    • admin

      You should contact Chaturbate customer support for help

  • south

    i sign up months ago and after sign up i go straight to broadcast my self without verification of my account get banned so i decided to deactivated my account.. but for now im planning to be a broadcaster and submit documents fpr my age verification.. can i create new account? my concern is what if after i sign up again and banned me again even if i submit my document proving that im in the legal age.. pls reply thanks

    • admin

      If you create a new account according to Chaturbate's terms and conditions (which were specified in the article), there shouldn't be any problem

  • cherry

    models can play videogames and display the games on the screen? thanks in advance

    • admin

      This is not Twitch. There's no rule that says you can't, but this isn't the platform for that

  • North

    Hello. How are u.. hope good? My question is: is a cb model allowed to ONLY make ticket shows and NO public shows? Second question: is there a framework for disproportionately high goals? Like 30k for lesbian show. Or 10k for 1 girl naked? Or 500 for show tits? Third: when a lesbian show get applied in a ticket show for 199tks. And in the show the girls do kissing a bit. Slapping eachother ass a bit.. and one girl hold a lovense toy on the kitty of the other a bit. Till she pretends to cum. Is this enough show for a ticket show? Or is it scamming? I mean.. a 30k tokens goal for a ''show''? Seems like they DONT want to make a show at all. Thanks for your reply :)

    • admin

      CB has standard policies regarding its ticket shows. If you want more control over your experience, I suggest you look for a site with more oversight on its models or better private features, like LiveJasmin, CamSoda, Flirt4Free and ImLive.

  • oldskool93

    What about a model that treats black username users better than you? This has been happening with this one model recently and it has only been to me and nobody else. She tells me she cant do a pvt then she tells another user yeah sure we can in pvt. Why do that to me only? I am a regular and have tipped more than other people in her room so i have no idea why she would do that

    • admin

      I'm not sure what you mean by black username users, and I'm not sure what exactly happened to you. All I can say is that CB has very little oversight on its models, so if you want more control over your experience, I suggest you look for a site with more oversight on its models or better private features, like LiveJasmin, CamSoda, Flirt4Free and ImLive.

  • Romeo_Pompay69

    Can I broadcast with an adult looking full size sex doll?

    • admin


  • Master

    Is pussy spanks with a whip allowed and if so far can the camgirl go with it?

    • admin

      It is, as long as she doesn't endanger her well-being

  • Anubis

    I wonder why the ban on bukkake? Regarding the ban on pain, is candle play allowed? Like dripping melted wax off a candle on the body?

    • admin

      As long as the model is using a candle that's meant for this it's not a problem, as it doesn't endanger her. Pain is fine as long as it doesn't injure the model.

  • a rocket laval

    I was banned a copple min before in merrylin room everytime i go there i just read all the rule and i didint broke any of this rule just think a jealous mod there make fun to banned me thanks to unbanned me be sure im not broke any rule. Ny the way your site very cool. I had now 50 friends there im sure its a mistake from this story i found a way to tip my prefered broadcaster and was about to tip by paypal soon very soon. So please if you want keep me try to make this. Kind of banned for no reason thank you to fix that soon as you able your dear new costumer ..please before banned always make.a sure chek to see if its true even more if its a all bann site like that youll kept your costumer if something wrong always to have to inform why with a warning a direct ban. Without chek resume lost of costumer shure you agree only on merrylin room it happen please proceed t

  • WJEC

    HiI have not been a member long and on Friday i was on Chaturbate arround 2:10 in the afternoon and was spending my tokens and for no reason at all I was banned from that site i was looking at. In my opinion i was not rude or caused any offence and i feel i was banned for no reason at all. No lost confidence in going back on to Chaturbate and feel if you are banned you should be told why. Spent tokens that afternoon and all was lost because someone just wanted to block me Ok was not happy and just think it unfair as I see a lot of other users getting away with lost of wrong things that are not spotted on Chaturbate Many Thanks

    • admin

      People don't get banned for no reason. If you feel like you were, contact customer support and they'll resolve the issue for you.

  • Nicakevin

    A baby bots banned me from a chat room and I was not being rude at all. In fact the broadcaster was laughin and havin conversation

    • admin

      People don't just get banned for no reason. If you believe you were, contact customer support to get this sorted.

  • muggy

    This is to follow up on another persons complaint.Real women do pretend to be trans for tokens.There are more than you think.I tipped one to play with her penis and she never did.I watched for a hour and she never show it once!

  • Em

    what about replay's or recorded video broadcasting (not live performance), is this considered cheating? or is it permitted?

    • admin

      Chaturbate does not permit recorded videos as if they are live broadcasts.

  • Eatherpussy

    All India was leave my phone number I am 54 yes old I read the rules unless I'm not allowed to give phone number I have no clue why u banned me ...very odd

    • admin

      You may have been banned for giving away personal information. That's a no-no!

  • Aaron

    I have a question. I'm a good person and I really do love and respect your cute but I think I might be doing something wrong, so I wanted to ask you about what I'm experiencing in models rooms. Hopefully you can tell me what it mean so I can astablish a better report. I'd say about 95% of the time I enter a room the model stops performing. Sometimes they even blow me a kiss. I feel like there telling me they want me to leave. So I do. I'm never disrespectful. Does that action mean something specific, the blowing me a kiss. And How come they stop dancing everytime I enter the room. can you tell me what I'm doing wrong. I truly don't ever want to offend anyone. Thank youIf you could email me when you have a moment I'd really appreciate it..

    • admin

      When a model blows you a kiss it means she is flirting with you. When she stops performing she usually does so to talk to you, and give you attention. Both those things should tell you that you're doing things right, not wrong

  • Joe

    What about a broadcaster that has nothing but spam followers+ in the chat section which believing its deliberately their friends doing it to boosts their status?

  • Asker

    Wondering why the ban on bukkake... to me it looks pretty harmless. Can understand the fisting ban, but then they allow using fist toys!!

  • vhard1234

    What about tranny's acting like women on your women's site...trans in female section fooling people out of that illegal on chaturbate?

    • admin

      Did this happen to you?

  • can a model reregister after being banned?

    can a model reregister after being banned?

    • admin

      Yes, to a different cam site

  • Tryanything

    Please investigate Sami_Vallejo. She also uses the names Aura_Nice and Whitney_Prety. She is constantly involving herself away from the page with guys. She always suggests payment thru Western Union. She is also doing prostitution services with guys in person, that she meets thru Chaturbate. It would be in the best interest of Chaturbate to elimate this model and save the trouble of being related to her illegal activity. Thank you

    • admin

      I suggest you report her to Chaturbate's customer support. If your accusations are true, which they can easily check, she will be promptly banned

  • tswana_gal

    thanks chartubate

  • none

    any article such as this is useless unless it is dated, the web serves up material that is often out of the ark

    • admin

      We do our very best to keep our articles up to date

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